
Planning your trip to Antarctica

Our design service

We're here to help you every step of the way.

At first you might be inspired about the idea of a trip to Antarctica but wondering what's involved.

You could also be considering other parts of the South Atlantic you'd like to see (such as the Falklands or South Georgia).

We can talk you through the options and help you choose a boat and a voyage.

We would then build your trip around that, finding flights for you, perhaps suggesting a few days of holiday before you start so that you are properly ready for your cruise from the first day, and a further few days to explore Chile or Argentina before you have to make your way home.

Our experts know this area extremely well and have the special skills to design a trip that works best for each individual. They are not driven by commission and they will not pressure you.

Visit 'Our design service' for more.

Choosing an Antarctic cruise

For most people, the first hurdle is to choose the boat and the voyage that will best suit what you are looking for. We have written a short guide to help you think about the options, which is a good place to start.

Visit 'Choosing an Antarctic Cruise'.

Getting there

Most cruises depart from Ushuaia in Argentina, while some leave from Punta Arenas in Chile. You would fly to Ushuaia via Buenos Aires, and to Punta Arenas via Santiago.

For more detailed flight information visit our 'How to Get There' page.

Fly or sail?

If you are a nervous sailor you might be keen to fly down to Antarctica.

For more on this, visit 'Fly or sail to Antarctica'.

Combining Antarctica with other places

It makes sense to stop off en route to Antarctica so that you are fresh for your cruise. If you have the time, it would be great to explore other parts of South America as part of your trip.

Visit our page on 'Combining Antarctica with other places' for more.

Visitor guidelines

To help preserve the Antarctic environment and the special locations visited by Antarctic cruises, all ships agree to adhere to guidelines issued by IAATO. Your trip will be governed by those guidelines, particularly how shore excursions are run and measures to minimise any effect on wildlife.

You can read the guidelines here: 'Guidelines for Visitors to Antarctica'.